July 10, 2022

Gockeye's Art Forum

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Might there be . . .

O might there be a scrap for me?

A piece of cheese, a streak of ghee? 

A school of catfish in a lake?

a cherry pie,

a chocolate cake?

An ear of corn, a stalk of wheat?

A pound of ham? A sack of meat?

O can't you see my furtive glance?

My stumbling lurch?

My open hand?

My faith in god in disarray?

My empty dish and watchful eye?

By night, I sniff for chicken bones,

betwixt these dry & shriveled moans,

"Dear Sir,

I beg to be set free

--that I were you

and you were me."

sincerely, your cat